Computer In Education And Training
Our educational system was developed more than a century age to teach students the survival skills they would need for jobs in industry and agriculture. In this system all students learn the same thing in same way, most of the time listening teacher. The teacher teaches and timely checks the knowledge level of each student. Computers are now a day becomes the most amazing teacher tool ever invented. They can pace instructions differently for each student, and use interactivity to involve students in the learning process. In future, imagine having immediate access to all the great books and articles ever written. All the great photographs ever painted, and all the great paintings ever painted.
Experts predict that most of the jobs that exist today will not be there after ten years from now. With rapid changing job descriptions and job markets it is unreasonable to assume that students can be trained once for life long jobs. Instead of holding a single job, today's students are likely to change jobs several times. So, now education is not one time process it is rather life long procedure.
The use of Information Technology in the field of Education & Training has developed various applications like CBTs, WbTs, etc. which are used for giving training to the students. The following can be taken as general applications of IT in Education & Training :
1) Computer based Training (CBT)
2) Web Based Training (WBT)
3) Virtual class rooms
4)Video Conferencing
5) Simulation and Games
6)Knowledge base etc..
Computer allow students to learn at their own pace, in small steps and give feedback about how much they have learned. Most of these Computer Aided Instruction (CAI) programs combine tutorial material with questions. CAI is relatively easy and can be combined with more traditional educational techniques.
Many educational simulations today, are based on the idea that children learn best through exploration and invention. These simulations, allow students to explore artificial environments, imaginary or based on reality. Educational simulations challenge students to explore, experiment and learn under control of the learning environment. They can experience the consequences of their actions without taking real life risks.
Training programs in business and various organizations are huge and expensive. To save money and improve performance, companies are using Computer-based training (CBT) to train people on procedures and techniques they need to know in their jobs. CBT ranges from relatively simple on-line help systems to sophisticated virtual reality machines such as those used by military and airline to train pilots.
For some students the most important application of computers in is distance learning- using technology to extent the educational process beyond the walls of the schools. Correspondence courses can be completed by modem rather than by mail. Handicapped students can do course work without traveling to central sites. Two-way video links allow visiting experts to talk to students in outlying classrooms and answer their questions in real time.
Computer are especially valuable for students with special needs. A computer's voice recognition capabilities and its connection to the internet make it possible for special education users to participate in learning experiences from which they may have previously been excluded.