Computer Software

                  The Computer is valuable resources. And among the resources that a computer has are VDU, Printer, Keyboard, Mouse, Speaker and Software. All the physical components are the hardware components and these components can't function without supporting software.

                  The computer cannot do anything on its own. It must be instructed to accomplish the task and the instructions required to perform that particular task are provided by software. For proper functioning of computer, synchronization of computer hardware and software is required. Both are complementary to each other.

Computer softwares are broadly classified into two categories: Application Software and System Software

       Application Softwares are set of one or more programs designed to carry out operations for a specified application. It refer to software which processes data to structure or automate specific business processes or it consists of programs which directs computer to perform specific information activities for end users. They assist system end user in performing various functions like word processing, using spreadsheet, making decisions regarding quarterly budgets etc. For examples, Airline Ticket Reservation system, availability of seats etc. Generally computer users interact with application software.

Application Softwares are divided into two categories:

1) General Purpose Application Softwares e.g., Word Processors, Spreadsheet, Office Automation Packages etc.

2) Special Purpose Application Software e.g., Desktop publishing, Multimedia, Business Application, Payroll, Inventory Management, Financial accounting, Production control, Vehicle scheduling etc.
System software can further classified into three categories:

1) System Control Programs-controls the execution of programs, manage storage devices and processing resources and other monitoring functions. Examples are Operating System, Data Base Management System. The management of data and attached peripherals is largely performed by system software called Operating System. When user interacts with the computer, much of his interaction with hardware is through this System Software. System software directly affects the ease with which users interact with a computer. Furthermore, operating system also determines the optimum utilization of the resources

2) System Support Programs- provide routine services functions to the other computer programs and users. Examples are libraries, task manager, utility to output data from storage device to printer.

3) System Development Programs-assists in creation of application programs. Examples are Language Compliers, Interpreters and application generators, report writers, debugging aids and other program - development tools.

               Peopleware refers to all people who are either working within the computer industry or are connected to it. They may be engaged in hardware development, software development or in both